PT INKA segera membangun jaringan marketing dan aftersales GEA di seluruh Indonesia
Dalam dua hari, mobil yang dipamerkan di acara Pameran dan Seminar Produk Alat Transportasi di gedung Gramedia Expo di Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Surabaya, sudah ada 33 orang yang memesan.
“Ya lumayan bagus. Masyarakat sangat antusias dan ingin membeli GEA,” ujar Ridwan tim GEA di lokasi pameran kepada detikOto, Jumat (1/10/2010).
Ridwan mengatakan, berdasarkan kebijakan perusahaan, mobil yang kapasitas penumpangnya 4 orang dan berbahan bakar Bio Fuel Engine (Premium dan LPG) seharga dibawah Rp 50 juta itu, tidak dijual retail atau perorangan.
“Banyak yang ingin langsung membeli dan ada yang ingin meminta kartu nama. Tapi tahap awal ini, penjualannya melalui koperasi. Usaha yang mempunyai koperasi bisa mengajukan, minimal pembeliannya 25 unit,” tuturnya.
GEA diprediksi dapat menarik masyarakat, untuk memilikinya sebagai micro car 650 CC, yang ekonomis, lincah dan tangguh. Namun, hanya bisa dibeli di koperasi.
“Kenapa kita pilih koperasi, karena suplai spare partnya maupun layanan service bisa ke koperasi tersebut,” tuturnya.
GEA adalah mobil micro car yang sistem pengeraknya, tipe intak : penggerak depan. Daya maksimum kapasitas : 20 kw/5300 rpm (650 CC). Suspensi depan maupun belakang dengan menggunakan Per keong dengan peredam kejut.
Transmisi mobil nasional ini tipenya manual dengan tingkat kecepatan 4 tingkat. Pengereman depan dengan menggunakan Disk Brake, sedangkan belakang rem tromol.
Dimensinya, mempunyai panjang 3.210 mm, lebar 1.430 mm, tinggi 1.705, jarak roda 1.984 mm, jarak tapak roda depan 1.277 mm dan jarak tapak roda belakang 1.267 mm. Kapasitas penumpang sebanyak 4 -5 orang dan kapasitas tangki sebanyak 30 liter, dengan perbandingan 1 : 25.
Setelah kantor pos, polri kini BUMN dan pemda seharusnya memiliki armada GEA karena super irit = 1:30
“Kedepannya juga akan melakukan penjaringan marketing – marketing dari kelembagan yang ada di kota – kota besar namun kesemuanya masih menunggu hasil tes ujicoba oleh BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) di Jakarta,” ujar Humas PT Inka Fathor Rashid, Rabu (8/10/2008).

Rencana membuat jaringan besar untuk GEA tersebut tentunya juga menunggu respon dari masyarakat. Apabila publik juga antusias terhadap GEA, PT INKA tak kan menunggu lama untuk membuat jaringan aftersales di berbagai kota. “Semua bisa memiliki mobil GEA karena saya yakin nyaman dan irit BBM. Suku cadangnya murah dan perawatannya bisa dimana saja, sehingga daya beli masyarat juga banyak," jelas Rashid.
Rashid pribadi optimis GEA akan mendapat sambutan. Pasalnya, prilaku sebagian besar konsumen lokal cenderung menyukai mobil yang irit bahan bakar. Terlebih di jaman harga minyak naik gila-gila-an seperti saat ini. Nah, GEA menurutnya memberi solusi. Jika mempergunakan bahan bakar premium, menurut Rashid, konsumsi BBM GEA bisa mencapai 25-30 km untuk setiap liternya.Angka itu sudah nampak dalam hasil ujicoba yang telah dilakukan pada jalur Madiun, Ngawi, Ponorogo, Pacitan dan Magetan. "Dari pengujian 10 ribu Km tersebut selama 3 bulan mulai April hingga Juli oleh tim kami, terbukti memang irit dan suara mesin pun nyaris tidak bunyi," tambah Rasyid. Soal tanjakan jangan khawatir, jalur Sarangan yang penuh tanjakan pun menurut Rashid, mampu dilalui GEA.
Selain soal konsumsi BBM, harga yang murah dan perawatan yang mudah juga dihitung Rashid sebagai keunggulan kompetitif GEA dibandingkan kompetitornya kelak. Kalau sudah mendapat lampu hijau dari BPPT, PT INKA memprediksi bisa memberi harga GEA pada bandrol Rp 45- Rp 50 juta per unit.
GEA saat ini tengah dikembangkan oleh PT INKA dan telah menjalani ujicoba 10.000 km. Bahan bakar GEA diutamakan menggunakan BBG namun terbuka opsi untuk juga mengunakan BBM Premium mengingat tingkat konsumsinya yang sedikit. PT INKA sendiri masih memprioritaskan pasar institusi jikalau GEA nanti lolos uji BPPT. Namun, pasar personal juga dibuka lebar.
Medco Plans to Provide Natural Gas For Vehicles
“We will try to expand to fuel for vehicles to compensate for our stagnant upstream business,” said Budi Basuki, president director of Medco E&P.
Demand for compressed natural gas for vehicles is low, and only Pertamina gas stations provide CNG, with its use limited to TransJakarta buses.
Medco E&P, a unit of Medco Energi Internasional, has three oil and gas blocks in Indonesia that produce about 180 million cubic feet per day of natural gas and 30,000 barrels of oil per day. Among the buyers for its gas are Palembang-based fertilizer company Pupuk Sriwijaya and state utility Perusahaan Listrik Negara’s power plant in South Sulawesi.
Given its gas production, Budi said Medco E&P has committed to provide up to 25 mmscfd for Jakarta. It plans to build one gas station in the capital next year.
“I hope we can start to sell gas fuel next year,” he said, adding that building a gas station would require about Rp 1 billion ($116,000) in investment.
The money will come from the company’s capital expenditure fund. It has allocated $233 million for capital expenditure this year, double its capex spending from last year, as it continues to exploit its oil and gas fields, including its 29.9 percent stake in the Donggi-Senoro natural gas project.
Budi said the plan was one of the company’s strategies to develop cleaner energy for vehicles.
“We will try to build the natural gas station first. Then we will cooperate with other parties, such as the government, to provide converter kits for vehicles,” he said.
Medco E&P has an agreement with Mandiri, a small company that provides CNG for vehicles in Palembang, to study the demand for the fuel in Jakarta.
“That also includes a strategy on how we can campaign for more CNG use by vehicles,” Budi said.
2012 Smart ForFour pics
The 2012 Smart ForFour was announced by Smart USA in Detroit earlier. Smart USA is planning on bringing the five-door car to the US market sometime within the next 15 months.
Smart USA helped to open the micro-car debate in the United States when they launched the Smart ForTwo in 2008, and generating even more interest with the announcement of their ForTwo electric drive. Their brand has created a large demand in the US market that has yet to be fulfilled, and Smart USA hopes the 2012 Smart ForFour can fill that void.
The B-segment five door car is going to only be available on the US market. This is to meet the demands of Americans’ looking to find a practical Smart car. The aesthetic nature of the Smart ForFour is based on similar architecture to Nissan’s own brand, making it all the more accessible to those not in the market for Smart cars, but browsing based on aesthetic qualities.
Roger Penske, the Chairman of the Penske Automotive Group, stated that, “We are faced with continuing customer demand fora smart car with more seating capacity.” The sales of the Smart ForFour five seater car will be exclusively carried by approximately 75 Smart dealerships in the USA. Later details about this prospectively revolutionary vehicle will be announced soon.
With the 2012 Smart ForFour, you can expect to see a surge in people driving Smart cars as they finally get their hands on an inclusive Smart car that works for them, rather than against them.
2012 Smart ForFour
2012 Smart ForFour
2012 Smart ForFour
2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport images
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
Saturday, 2 pm - Bugatti's Pilote Officiel Pierre Henri Raphanel puts his helmet and gloves on, pulls the safety belts tight whilst the engineers check the car a very last time: tyre pressure, temperature, all systems go. Then the orange black Bugatti Veyron Super Sport crosses the light barrier, from now on the time will be taken, within one hour the car has to drive from South to North and then in the opposite direction. No one but the driver is allowed to touch the car during this time. The tension rises. A few minutes later we can hear from the left side the sound of a starting jumbo jet coming closer towards us. First we perceive the headlights of the Veyron, then we can recognize the shape of the car, a loud wooosh…. and Raphanel dashes in top speed past us. The GPS-tachometer stops at 427, 933 km/h. Now the same procedure from the opposite direction. This time the car reaches 434,211 km/h. As average top speed the representatives of the "TÜV"and Guinness generate a value of 431,072 km/h (268 mph). This even hit Bugatti's engineering team by surprise.
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport images
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
Had a model been especially popular or highly successful in races, Ettore Bugatti's customers often pushed the master to tease out of the engine a few horsepower more for their future car. Bugatti Automobiles S.A.S. had been in a similar situation when their existing customers asked the company to not only design their second model optically differently but to also create a version with a sportier and more extreme driving experience. The result is a car with a uniquely high performance of 1,200-hp (882 kW) offering experienced drivers a whole new dimension of excitement, with a maximum torque of 1,500 Newton metres and a limited top speed of 415 km/h (to protect the tyres) but, the technique of the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport is identical to the record car. The first five Bugatti Veyron Super Sports to come off the production line will constitute a special series of their own, with the same configuration as the landspeed record car.
The Bugatti Veyron Super Sport is a consequent of the further development of the classic exclusive 1,001-hp Bugatti Veyron 16.4, launched in 2005. This model offers a stunning set of specifications, such as the twin clutch gearbox with seven speeds, the extraordinarily precise driving performance in bends and excellent stability when braking and accelerating.
Continuous work in extreme performance ranges lead to constantly new conclusions, which enabled the engineers at Bugatti to develop the Veyron into a direction in which the driver can reach new dimensions. Every modification is designed to produce an even more powerful car for an agile ride. Four enlarged turbochargers and bigger intercoolers have been used to boost the power of the 16-cylinder engine, and the chassis has been extensively redesigned to maintain safety at extreme speed - thanks to slightly raised main-spring travel, stronger stabilisers, and new shock absorbers with a complex architecture originally developed for racing cars. This gives noticeably more precise control of the wheels and the car as a whole. With lateral acceleration of up to 1.4 G and improved interaction between the tyres and the intelligent all-wheel drive system, the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport offers perfect handling and even more powerful acceleration of 1,500 Newton metres on corner exits.
The body has been fine-tuned to improve aerodynamic efficiency and maintain perfect balance in every situation, while the new fibre structure of the all-carbon monocoque ensures maximum torsion rigidity and passive safety - at reduced weight. The skin is made entirely of carbon-fibre composites, and the new Bugatti Veyron Super Sport is available in 100 per-cent clearlacquered exposed carbon on request.
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
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2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport |
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